Feb 18, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Admission Policy

Admission to Merrimack College is competitive and selective. We seek to enroll students who are academically prepared and demonstrate the background, interest and willingness to contribute to advancing the Merrimack experience.

When considering applicants for first year admission, the admission committee considers whether the applicant’s secondary school transcript reflects the preparation and performance for the academic program for which they have applied. Merrimack’s Augustinian heritage is reflected in our supportive community and we seek to enroll students who have positively contributed to their school and larger community.

Merrimack is a member of the Common Application. Students may apply online at www.commonapp.org. In addition to the Common Application, applicants must submit copies of all secondary school transcripts, and a secondary school report. In addition, students are encouraged to submit first quarter or trimester grades, and any supplemental documents which may include letters of recommendation or a resume. Test results from the Scholastic Aptitude Test (“SAT”) of the College Board or the American College Testing Program (“ACT”) are not required (excluding nursing majors). On the basis of these criteria, the Admission Committee determines the academic strength of candidates in relation to the course of studies for which they have applied.

Merrimack College admits students of any race, creed, color, handicap or disability, and national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, gender, handicap or disability, age, sexual orientation, national ancestry or ethnic origin or any other lawfully protected categories in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.

Admission Requirements

The subject requirements listed below are expressed in terms of secondary school units. A unit represents one academic year of study.

Business Administration, Humanities, and Social Sciences

  English 4  
  History, Government and Social Sciences 2-3  
  *Mathematics 3-4  
  Science (With Lab) 2-3  
  Foreign Language 2-4  

Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Health Science, Mathematics, Nursing, Physics, and Exercise Science

  English 4  
  History, Government and Social Sciences 2-3  
  *Mathematics 4  
  **Science (With Lab) 3  
  Foreign Language 2-4  

* Mathematics subject matter should include the equivalent of Algebra I, II and Geometry. An additional, advanced mathematics course is required of all Science and Engineering applicants.

**Prospective Engineering students must have three units in the sciences including Physics.

Note: Prospective Nursing students should review the additional admission requirements in the Nursing, B.S. Program of Study page within this academic catalog.

First year applications for admission should be submitted before the following dates.
  Fall Term:
    Early Decision: November 15
    Early Action 1: November 15
    Early Action 2: January 15
    Rolling Admission: August 1
  Spring Term:
    Rolling Admission: January 6

The Admission Committee notifies fall term first year applicants of their admission decision mid-December for Early Decision and Early Action 1 candidates, the first week of February for Early Action 2 candidates, and on a weekly basis starting February 15 for Rolling Admission candidates once the application has been completed. Spring term candidates are notified on a weekly basis starting in October once the application has been completed.  

The Office of Admission accepts first year applications from the Common Application. Additional information concerning our applications are available by contacting the Office of Admission directly. Information requests are also accepted by email at the following address: admission@merrimack.edu and in the admission section of the Merrimack website. The web address is: www.merrimack.edu. The Office of Admission fax number is +1-978-837-5133.

Early Decision

Merrimack College offers an Early Decision program for first year applicants who consider Merrimack their first choice college. The deadline for submitting an application under Early Decision is November 15 of their senior year and Early Decision applicants will learn of their admission in mid-December. Decisions include admission, deferral to the Rolling Admission process and denial of admission.

Students applying under Early Decision should be aware that this is a binding program. If offered admission the student must enroll at Merrimack College and decline all other offers of admission.

Early Action

Merrimack College offers two Early Action program deadlines for first year applicants who consider Merrimack among the colleges at the top of their list and wish to learn of their admission decision early. The deadline for submitting an application under Early Action 1 is November 15 of their senior year. Decisions include admission, deferral to the Rolling Admission process and denial of admission. The deadline for submitting an application under Early Action 2 is January 15 of their senior year. Decisions include admission, deferral to the Rolling Admission process and denial of admission. Both Early Action options are non-binding.

Rolling Admission

Merrimack also offers a Rolling Admission program for first year applicants. Students may apply at any point that they are ready between September and August 1. The Rolling Admission decision notification begin mid February. As students complete their application, decisions will be finalized on a weekly basis starting February 15. Decisions include admission, placement on the waitlist or denial of admission.

Confirmation of Enrollment

Admitted students must submit their enrollment deposit no later than May 1 for the fall term or by January 20 for the spring term. Final transcript(s) indicating graduation or General Education Development (“GED”) test results and Health Forms must be submitted before matriculation. Merrimack also asks that students who have not submitted SAT or ACT test results as part of the admission process submit their scores for institutional research purposes.

Deferral of Admission

Merrimack College offers the option for students who wish to defer the offer for admission for up to one full year. The request for deferral must be submitted in writing to the Office of Admission. The letter must state the reason for the request and the specific term the student plans to enroll. The full enrollment deposit is required of all students who wish to defer enrollment. The student must complete the “Return from Deferral” form” to re-activate their application for the new term of enrollment. If a student completes college level courses at another institution during their deferment, without prior authorization, the Office of Admission requires additional documents, including an official transcript, before re-activation to evaluate transfer credits and confirm good standing. Additionally, the student will be charged a per credit fee for credits that are transferred into Merrimack College without authorization prior to the deferred semester(s). If a student matriculates or completes 12 or more college credits at another institution during their deferral, their application may be subject to re-evaluation as a Transfer applicant. 

Students who defer their admission will keep the merit scholarship offered during the admission process. However, the FAFSA form must be filed and a new financial aid package will be awarded for the new term of enrollment.

Refund of Deposit

Deposits for entering first year students for the fall semester are refundable until May 1 only. Transfer enrollment deposits are not refundable.

Admission Requirements for GED Candidates

Individuals without a high school diploma who wish to pursue post-secondary education may be admitted to Merrimack College. Candidates for admission must successfully complete the GED tests and submit the Official Report of Test Results with their completed application. Test results from the SAT of the College Entrance Examination Board or the ACT are optional. Candidates who submit their GED test scores are required to follow the same admission procedures as those required of graduating seniors and high school graduates.

Home School Candidates

Merrimack College welcomes applications from students who have chosen homeschooling. In addition to completing the standard admission application, we require that students forward to the Office of Admission the following materials:

  • State certificate of completion, or a high school diploma, or the GED
  • List of coursework or transcript
  • Test results of SAT, SAT II or ACT are optional.
  • Admission Interview (highly recommended)
  • Essay
  • Two letters of recommendation (one from a parent/teacher and one from a person outside the home - e.g., tutor, employer, minister, priest, etc.); Each candidate will be assessed on an individual basis for college readiness and academic strength.

Change of Status on Admission Applications

Any change of application status must be forwarded to the Office of Admission by the student in writing. Change of major, housing status or other changes will be made only upon written receipt of the request unless otherwise authorized and documented by a member of the admission staff. Internal requests for status change will be made only after the student has forwarded the appropriate documentation to the Office of Admission. Final approval of the request will be determined by the Admission Committee.

Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (“ROTC”)

Air Force ROTC is a leadership development program that ultimately produces Second Lieutenants for the United States Air Force. Air Force ROTC is designed to run concurrent with a student’s degree curriculum. Students do not go on to active duty until after they graduate from college, with a four-year degree. Although the environment is somewhat fraternal, promoting military structure and culture, it is not a club or activity, but rather, a bona fide academic program, through which scholarships are available.

Merrimack College students may enroll in Air Force ROTC courses at UMass Lowell, through a cross-town agreement between the two schools. The Air Force ROTC program qualifies men and women for a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force. Two-year, three-year and four-year programs, as well as scholarships, are available. Details, including information on how to enroll Air Force ROTC credited class and lab, can be obtained calling Air Force ROTC Detachment 345, UMass Lowell, at 978-934-2252 or via email afrotc345@uml.edu. Detachment 345’s local website is www.uml.edu/Dept/AFROTC. Air Force ROTC national website is www.afrotc.com. Registration for ROTC courses is done via NECCUM cross-registration. Please visit the Merrimack College Office of the Registrar for a NECCUM cross-registration form.

International Baccalaureate (“IB”)

College credit for IB exams are subject to review. An official IB examination report is required for consideration. Higher Level exams with a score of 5 or better are considered for credit.

College Level Examination Program (“CLEP”)

Course credit may be granted through the CLEP program, in which students can take an equivalency examination in an academic area instead of a course offered by the College in that area. The examinations are offered by the College Entrance Examination Board and are available in most academic disciplines. Like the Advanced Placement tests, the CLEP examinations are usually offered to replace courses at the introductory level. CLEP examinations should be taken prior to the start of the student’s junior year, but no later than the start of the student’s senior year. Students seeking further information about the program should be directed to the department chair of the appropriate discipline and/or to the Office of the Registrar. A transfer applicant to the College who has taken CLEP exams is required to have official CLEP score report sent to Merrimack College (code #3525) for potential transfer credit.

Military Training

Merrimack College awards academic credit for military training based on American Council on Education (“ACE”) recommendations.

Merrimack College awards academic credit for workforce training (both government and corporate) based on the ACE recommendations in the ACE National Guide.   

Advanced Placement (“AP”)

As a participant in the AP Program of the College Board, Merrimack College will grant credit to students who present examination scores of at least 3 on AP tests offered by the Educational Testing Service (“ETS”). Students who have taken the test should have their official scores sent directly from the ETS to the Office of Admission at Merrimack College (Merrimack College code number: 3525) prior to matriculation. It should be noted that chairs of each academic department establish the number of Merrimack College credits and the advanced placement level for successful students under the AP Program.

College Level Courses/Dual Enrollment

Students who elect to take college level courses during high school may have those courses evaluated for transfer of college credit. The student is required to order an official copy of the transcript to be sent to the Merrimack College Office of Admission. The transcript must be sent directly from the previous institution. It cannot be submitted by the student unless delivered in a envelope that was sealed by the institution. It is also necessary for evaluation of such courses, that the student assures Merrimack College access to a course catalog and/or course syllabi offering course descriptions. With a grade of “C-” or better, three credit and four credit courses that are similar in content and scope to courses offered at Merrimack College will be evaluated by a department chairperson for transfer of college credit. “D” grades are not accepted in transfer.

Early College Program

An example of the College’s efforts to achieve its mission by linking academics, academic support, student transformation, and increasing student accessibility, can be found in Merrimack’s Early College Program. Merrimack’s Early College Program was launched during the 2017-18 academic year and draws students from Lawrence Public Schools (“LPS”), including the Abbot Lawrence Academy (“ALA”), and enrolls some 150 students per term in junior and senior year. Classes are taught on Merrimack’s campus by Merrimack faculty selected by their department chair. These faculty are paired with teachers at the high school to provide full academic support.

Transfer Admission

Students wishing to transfer from another accredited college or university may be considered for admission to Merrimack College. We define a transfer student as any student who has enrolled at college or university or attempted 12 or more college credits after earning a high school diploma or it’s equivalency such as a GED. The transfer applicant must follow these guidelines:

  1. Documents needed:
    1. Completed transfer application and essay through the Common Application or the Merrimack Application.
    2. College transcript from each college attended. International transfer applicants must submit post-secondary records which are original or certified copies of original documents. These must be translated into English.
    3. To be evaluated for Transfer Credit, international college transcripts must be evaluated through WES, SpanTran, ECE, or CED. A course-by-course evaluation must be sent directly to the institution from one of these evaluation agencies in order to be considered official.
    4. College catalog/course descriptions from each college attended. Course descriptions are needed in order to evaluate and determine appropriate transfer credit. International students are required to submit college catalog/course descriptions translated into English.
    5. One letter of recommendation from a current professor or advisor or an employer.
    6. Transfer College Report
    7. High school/secondary school transcript is required if applicant has completed less than 24 college credits.
    8. Test results of SAT or ACT are not required.
    9. A test of English proficiency is required of the applicant for whom English is not his/her native language. An official score report is required. For a list of approved English language tests please see the Merrimack website at: https://www.merrimack.edu/admission/undergraduate/international/application-process.php
  2. The applicant must be in good academic standing, with a cumulative grade point average of at least a 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. The student must not be under disciplinary censure and eligible to return to the institution s/he previously attended.
  3. Transfer of course credits:
    1. Transfer credit will be granted for courses having a grade of “C-” or better from each institution(s). The institution(s) must hold accreditation from a major regional accrediting association. These courses also must meet the requirements of the curriculum selected by the applicant and be comparable in content and scope to courses offered by Merrimack College.
    2. If a student has an earned an associate’s degree from a two-year college and meets admission requirements, all courses and credits will be accepted in transfer.
    3. Credit for coursework taken 10 years or more prior to admission is subject to review to determine exactly how the courses will transfer in.
    4. Internships, cooperative education, courses taken pass/fail (with the exception of Spring 2020, Fall 2020 and Spring 2021), and remedial or developmental courses do not transfer. Transfer credit for AP and/or CLEP examinations will be determined provided the “official” examination score report/s are forwarded directly to the Office of Admission (Merrimack School code number: 3525).
    5. The grades from other institutions do not enter into the computation of quality grade point average at Merrimack College.
    6. All credits to be transferred must be identified at the time of application for transfer admission to Merrimack. Merrimack College reserves the right to deny credit for coursework taken by the student prior to admission if it is identified and presented after transfer.
    7. Admission for transfer applicants currently enrolled at other institutions are made with the condition that courses will be completed successfully. Final and official transcripts of all completed courses must be forwarded to the Office of Admission.
  4. A transfer credit evaluation of transferable courses is prepared and forwarded to the student at the time of admission. In some instances, the student may be asked to submit more detailed course descriptions or syllabi than that which appears in the catalog of the prior institution(s). Final determination of transferability of courses is made by the Office of the Registrar at Merrimack College in conjunction with the appropriate academic departments.
  5. Students may transfer up to a maximum of 90 credits from previous college or university coursework.
  6. Students who transfer from other institutions must complete at least 34 credits and 50% of the courses required for their major at Merrimack College. Please refer to the following catalog sections: “Requirements for Bachelor’s Degree” and “Residence Requirements” for more detailed information.
  7. Applications for admission for transfer students should be submitted by the following deadlines:

Fall Term: August 15
Spring Term: January 6

For fall admission (classes beginning in September) decisions will be sent out on a rolling bases from mid-February until August. For spring admission (classes beginning in January) admission decisions will be sent out on a rolling basis from mid-October until early January.

Community College Articulation Agreements

Merrimack College has entered into the Massachusetts Transfer Guarantee and individual “Transfer Articulation Agreements” with community colleges. Please contact the Office of Admission for more detailed information about these agreements.

International Students

Merrimack College welcomes applications from international students. An international student is a student who is neither a citizen nor a permanent resident of the United States of America. Such students, according to the Immigration and Naturalization Service, “must have successfully completed a course of study equivalent to that normally required of an American applicant seeking admission to the school at the same level.”

Applicants whose native language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in English by submitting a test of English proficiency. For a list of approved English language tests please see the Merrimack website at: https://www.merrimack.edu/admission/undergraduate/international/application-process/. Appropriate official transcripts, or certified copies of academic records and their English translations validated by an official public translator, must be forwarded to the Office of Admission. If the international student has completed college/university level coursework, official transcripts (translated into English) for all such coursework is required.

As part of the application process, a Declaration and Certification of Finances and Bank statement must be completed which certifies that sufficient funds are on deposit/available to meet the cost of one year of academic study. A Certificate of Eligibility (form I-20A) will be issued to the student after the student has been admitted.

The completed admission application should be received by the following dates:

    Freshmen Transfers  
  Fall Term: July 15 July 15  
  Spring Term: December 15 December 15  

Merrimack Senior Citizen Program

The Merrimack College Senior Citizen Program allows any student 62 years of age or older having a high school diploma or a general equivalency diploma to audit undergraduate credit courses or to take them for credit, on a space-available basis, at no charge. A total of five courses may be taken for credit and an unlimited number of undergraduate courses may be audited under this policy. Courses taken for credit may serve to meet the requirements for the College’s associate’s and bachelor’s degrees if and when the student matriculates. The Senior Citizen program is not applicable to graduate courses.

Senior citizens will be responsible for paying any fees associated with specific courses, such as laboratory and computer fees. Certain courses may be closed to tuition-free registration because of heavy enrollment, and courses may be cancelled if registration is insufficient. Courses having pre-requisites cannot be taken without first completing the required pre-requisite for credit.

Senior citizens will register with the Office of the Registrar at the scheduled time for this registration, but determination of space will only be confirmed after all Merrimack students have had the opportunity to register.

Course Limitations

A student may register for no more than 32 credits before applying to the school.

Professional Studies Admission

Students who are interested in bachelor’s degree programs within Professional Studies should refer to www.merrimack.edu/academics/professional-studies/degree-programs/for information on application deadlines and application requirements.