Sep 16, 2024  
Student Handbook 
Student Handbook

General Policies and Regulations


The purpose of this policy is to specify user responsibilities and to promote ethical, legal, and secure use of computing resources for the protection of all members of the Merrimack College community.

Technology at the College is a shared resource and is intended to be used to support the mission of the College by integrating technology in the design, delivery and management of educational programs, academic support, and administrative services in an Augustinian, values-sensitive environment. All users have the responsibility to make use of these resources in an efficient, ethical, and legal manner.

All persons granted access to Merrimack College’s resources must comply with all security, legal, and confidentiality requirements established by the College and by external legal authorities.  Access to and use of Merrimack College technology resources and the internet shall comply with federal laws, the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the policies and procedures of the College.  By using the College’s technology resources, including its network, users agree to the rules, regulations and guidelines of the College. 

Each user is responsible for the security of their own password and account. A securely guarded password provides a high level of assurance of privacy and security of resources. A password is not to be shared with others or posted in a place accessible by others. A password authenticates the holder as an authorized user of the computing environment and must be protected from falling into the hands of an intruder. As a precautionary measure, passwords should be changed every 60 days. For privacy and security, all users are encouraged to lock their screens when they are away from their PCs.

Email users must adhere to the following:

  • Messages should be non-commercial in nature. Use of the College network for non-College business activities is not permitted.
  • Users are expected to practice common courtesy in using the email system and respect the privacy and feelings of others. 
  • Unauthorized access to another person’s email or electronic files is prohibited.
  • Mass e-mail messages to any group must be approved by the Vice President of Communication prior to being sent.
  • Harassing and/or offensive messages, pyramid or chain letters, and pornographic material are all examples of inappropriate content for email transmission. Any use of obscene, indecent, racist, defamatory, threatening or harassing material is against College policy and will not be tolerated.  Such use is subject to College discipline as well as criminal prosecution.

Users must understand that email is not absolutely private and should practice caution in sending messages that you would not want everyone to see over the network. ITS does not make a practice of monitoring email and other files, but may be requested to provide a copy of any file or information resident on College systems allegedly related to unacceptable use or to protect the College’s network from systems and events that threaten or degrade operations. The College reserves the right to examine material stored on or transmitted through its systems.  Any activity that inhibits or interferes with the use of the computers or networks of the College is not permitted.  The College will ensure reasonable and acceptable use by monitoring access logs, traffic data, and network utilization. 

Merrimack College users who conduct Web publishing are solely responsible for their sites’ content and adherences to all policies stated in this document, as well as all other College policies and public laws, and are asked to follow these guidelines:

  • Third-party advertising or commercial promotion of non-Merrimack entities is not allowed. No banner or pop up banner advertising is allowed.
  • Outbound commercial links must have an educational objective and must link to sites that do not contain content considered sexually explicit, profane, obscene, harassing, fraudulent, racially offensive, defamatory, or otherwise unlawful.
  • All outside links must be targeted to a new window to ensure the user does not leave the Merrimack website.
  • Links that result in personal gain are not permitted.
  • Adherence to copyright law and trademark protection in all of its forms is required, including, but not limited to, books, music, movies, and graphics.
  • No illegal activity of any kind is permitted.
  • No threatening, harassing, or slanderous language will be condoned.
  • All College policies apply.

Merrimack College respects the copyright protection given by federal law to owners of software and intellectual property as stated in the Copyright Act of 1976 and under the Federal Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, and adheres to the statement of principle developed by the EDUCOM Software Initiative relating to intellectual property and ethical use of software. It is against College policy to copy or reproduce any licensed software or intellectual property, or to illegally download from the Internet any copyrighted material, including music, movies, and videos. A user may not use software that has been obtained illegally on College equipment or personal equipment housed at the College or any systems used by the College hosted off-campus.

United States law also prohibits duplicating software for use by multiple users within an organization, and/or distributing an unauthorized copy to another individual. Users of College computers are subject to the United States copyright laws, including ensuring that the restrictions that apply to the reproduction of software and intellectual property are adhered to and that the bounds of copying permissible under the fair use doctrine are not exceeded (i.e., a backup copy may be made).  Violation of these requirements will subject the offender to disciplinary action that may include suspension of access, disciplinary action by the College, and/or accountability in a court of law. 

Merrimack College’s Acceptable Use Policies shall not supersede federal or state laws.  Illegal actions may result in prosecution by federal, state, or local agencies.  Under the terms of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, the College is obligated to take appropriate action if it receives a complaint that copyrighted material is being published over our network without permission.

In addition to internal College sanctions that can impact on a student’s academic performance, the College will cooperate with all local, state, and federal agencies whenever necessary.  The College will not be responsible for sanctions taken by these agencies for violations of the College’s Acceptable Use Policy that are against local, state, and federal laws and criminal codes.

Tampering with computer files, software, or knowingly introducing a virus to a College computer system is a criminal offense punishable through a court of law.

All users are expected to uphold all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, treaties or tariffs, as well as ethical laws of decency while using the Merrimack College computing resources.  Any individual, who participates in conduct which adversely affects the College’s pursuit of its educational objectives, violates or shows disregard for the rights of individuals within the College community, or damages property will be subject to institutional discipline.  Reports of known or suspected offenses may be made to the College’s Chief Information Officer, who will refer any apparent violations to the appropriate disciplinary process.

Merrimack College provides campus-wide wireless internet access, including in the residence halls. To ensure the most reliable and consistent wireless internet access, students are not permitted to bring or use any potentially interfering wireless devices on campus. This includes, but is not limited to personal wireless routers, wireless access points, and wireless printers. Please contact the Help Desk if you have any questions about wireless interference.

Users should NOT expect or assume any right of privacy with respect to the use of the College’s information technology (IT) resources.  Although the office of Information Technology Services (ITS) does not routinely monitor the communications of its students, system administrators or other authorized personnel may access or examine files or accounts that are suspected of unauthorized use or misuse, that have been corrupted or damaged, or that may threaten the integrity of the College’s computer systems or network. 


Merrimack College recognizes its obligation to uphold the standards of eligibility for all student athletes as governed by the NCAA, Hockey East, Northeast Conference, .as well as affiliated conferences.

Competing at the college level is a major commitment and typically draws only the elite athletes from high schools. If interested in competing in intercollegiate athletics, student athletes must contact the coach of that particular sport. Because Merrimack College is a  Division I institution all student-athletes must register and be certified by the NCAA Eligibility Center. For more information on eligibility and other NCAA guidelines, check out the online Guide for the College Bound Student Athlete at  and type guide to college bound student-athletes in the search box.

All incoming freshman student-athletes must meet the criteria set forth in NCAA Bylaw 14.3 Freshman Academic Requirements and must be certified by the NCAA Eligibility Center. Provided the student-athlete is enrolled full-time, they may practice but not compete (including scrimmages) for a maximum of 45 days prior to being cleared. Returning student-athletes must meet all of the criteria set forth in both the Merrimack College catalog, the Student-Athlete Handbook  and NCAA Bylaw 14. Each student-athlete will be certified at the end of each semester by the athletic department.

*For Rules and Regulations please see

For the Student-Athlete Handbook please see:


Students are responsible for obtaining information concerning the cancellation of classes by visiting the Merrimack College website at Cancellations will also be announced by campus-wide e-mail, on local radio and television stations, as well as official Merrimack College social media platforms.  Evening classes may be held even if day classes are not. It is also recommended that students sign up for RAVE Alert emergency notifications, as cancellation alerts will also be issued on the RAVE network.



Merrimack College has partnered with Rave Wireless, a leader in mobile safety, to offer an emergency notification system; RAVE ALERT is capable of sending the Merrimack College community, text, voice, and email messages in the event of emergency situations or school closings.  All students, faculty, and staff are now able to receive Rave Alerts to their Merrimack email only.  To receive Rave text alerts to your cell phone, go to:

Merrimack College will only send you messages related to emergencies and school closings.  You will never receive advertisements and your information is secure and never provided to advertisers. Any student, staff, or faculty member can subscribe to Rave Alert.  

The entire campus community is highly encouraged to subscribe to this free service to be informed of emergencies and school closings when you are on the go. Subscription by all members of the campus community is pivotal in proper communication during an emergency.  Failure to subscribe to the RAVE ALERT system is at the sole risk of the individual.  All U.S. mobile carriers are supported. The text messages will come from either 67283 or 226787.  We encourage you to save these numbers into your phone so that you will recognize them when messages are sent.


Download the Rave Guardian app for your smartphone (free from the Apple app store). You will need a email address to download the full app, but family and friends can download a limited version that allows them some functionality.

 There are three major components to Guardian:

  • Emergency call function. One-touch calling for local 911 or Merrimack College police. Safety timer.
  • Schedule your trip, designate a “guardian,” and let that person track your route and timing, so they will know right away if you encounter difficulty.
  • Confidential tip ability: send a confidential text or photo to Merrimack College Police.

Campus incidents considered to be a threat to the safety and well-being of the community are publicized through the Merrimack College Police Department, Office of Residence Life, and the College’s email and Emergency Notification System. The Facilities Department maintains College buildings and grounds with a concern for safety and security. It inspects facilities regularly and makes repairs affecting safety and security, such as broken windows and locks. There are many outdoor emergency call phones, strategically located throughout the campus, and connected directly to the Merrimack College Police Department which operates 24/7.


The Fitness Center is a space designed for development, growth, and inclusivity.  The fitness center is reserved for the usage of current students, faculty, and staff. Patrons accessing the Fitness Center are expected to follow all guidelines and respect staff, peers, and equipment. Any student who violates any College policies or displays disrespectful actions toward employees or peers in the Fitness Center may be subject to disciplinary action as stated in the Merrimack College Student Handbook.  In the instance that equipment is vandalized or any items are stolen from the space, the Merrimack College Police Department will be notified immediately.


Merrimack College will consider all students to be dependents of their parents unless the Office of the Registrar and the Dean of Students office are notified to the contrary within 30 days after registration. This notification should include evidence that the student is in fact financially independent. A certified copy of the parents’ most recent income tax return, other public records, accounting records, etc. is acceptable for this purpose.


A fundamental principle, which is strictly enforced in our intramural sports program, is “Good Sportsmanship.” The positive behavior exhibited by the participants is an important goal of our program. Any player/s who is/are ejected from a game for unsportsmanlike behavior will receive an automatic two game suspension.  Ejected individuals may be subject to disciplinary action as stated in the Community Standards.  In the instance that a team is completely uncooperative and the captain has no control over the team or spectators the team may be asked to forfeit the game and be placed on official probation. 


In exceptional circumstances or emergency situations, a student may be required to leave Merrimack College or college-provided housing in accordance with this policy. 

Interim Suspension

The College may temporarily remove from the campus and/or college-provided housing any student whose behavior presents an immediate and substantial danger to the safety, health or welfare of any person, or whose behavior is substantially damaging College property or disrupting College operations.  In emergency situations, advance notice to the student may not be feasible.

Involuntary Leave

The College may require a student to withdraw or take a leave of absence for a semester or more when the student’s behavior presents a significant risk of substantial harm to any person, or substantially disrupts the College’s academic or housing environments.


In each case where emergency removal or involuntary leave is being considered, the College will conduct an individualized risk assessment. The Dean of Students (or designee) will be responsible for the assessment in consultation with the Associate Dean of Health and Wellness, the Chief of the Merrimack College Police Department, Office of the General Counsel, Associate Dean of Students, and/or other advisors, when feasible, at the Dean’s discretion. The assessment will rely on objective evidence and the most current medical information reasonably available to the College or provided by the student. The College may require authorization from the student to review relevant medical records and may also require a medical examination of the student by an independent or College-employed health care provider.

Relevant factors to be considered in the risk assessment include the nature of the risk, its duration, frequency, severity and probability, as well as what reasonable support measures and/or modifications to existing policies and practices might sufficiently mitigate the risk.  Speculation, stereotypes, or only marginally increased risks will not be considered. 

The student will be given a reasonable opportunity to provide the assessment team with medical records or other information applicable to the risk assessment. Whenever reasonably possible, a meeting between the student and the Dean (or designee) will be held prior to a decision on involuntary leave. 

In emergency situations, the College will need to respond quickly based on limited information.  Accordingly, the College may temporarily remove a student from the campus and/or College-provided housing before completing its comprehensive risk assessment. In such cases, the College will endeavor to complete its assessment as soon as practicably possible.The student may confer with the Dean (or designee) and/or assessment team by telephone if a meeting is not feasible.  A decision on involuntary leave will not be final until the student has had a reasonable opportunity to submit information applicable to the risk assessment.   

When warranted by health or safety concerns, the College may impose temporary restrictions on the student pending final determination of the risk assessment. Such restrictions may include curfews, limitations on access to certain areas or equipment, no contact orders, meetings with advisors, compliance with the terms of a behavior contract, among other safeguards. 

The student will be provided with written notice of the decision on involuntary leave. If leave is required, the notice will identify the risk factors on which the decision was based. Once invoked, the leave becomes effective immediately, and the student will be required to vacate the campus and/or College-provided housing.

The student may appeal a decision on involuntary leave to the Vice President for Student Affairs and Success (or designee).  Absent extraordinary circumstances, the appeal must be presented in writing within five (5) calendar days of the decision to place the student on involuntary leave. Leave requirements will be enforced while the appeal is pending. The decision of the Dean of Students (or designee) is final.

The records of the assessment and any appeal will be treated as confidential and maintained separately.

Returning to Campus and/or Housing

All students seeking to return to the College from an emergency removal or involuntary leave, that is not a result of a disciplinary sanction or process, must demonstrate to the College’s satisfaction that they are able to meet the College’s academic and conduct requirements for continued enrollment and/or College-provided housing, live independently in College-provided housing (if applicable), including reasonable expectations for health, safety and welfare. The particular conditions for return shall be determined for each student on a case-by-case basis after an individualized assessment. In general, the College will require a meeting with the Dean of Students and/or the Associate Dean of Health and Wellness (or designees), provide up-to-date information about the student’s medical condition, and a certification from a treating physician or applicable health care provider regarding the student’s ability to meet the College’s academic and conduct requirements safely. Typically, students are also asked to authorize the Associate Dean of Health and Wellness (or designee) to consult directly with student’s health care providers concerning any health or medical conditions applicable to the involuntary removal or leave.  Other conditions may include a personal statement, behavior contract, medical examinations, compliance with a treatment program, or other safeguards.

The Dean of Students, in consultation with the Associate Dean of Health and Wellness, will make the final decision as to whether a student may return and under what conditions. 

Notice to Parent/Guardians

Absent medical advice to the contrary, the College will ordinarily notify a student’s parents or guardians about an emergency removal or involuntary leave.


Matriculated students need to request a medical leave of absence by submitting a written request by email to the Associate Dean of Health and Wellness.  A Medical Leave of Absence is requested when a student experiences a medical condition that precludes them from attending class and/or taking part in the college experience.  The application must include written documentation from a physician or other qualified licensed professional that is unaffiliated with the College detailing the need to take a leave. The Associate Dean of Health and Wellness will assign a provider in Hamel Health Center or a clinician in the Counseling Center to review the application and speak with the student. After review, the Associate Dean of Health and Wellness will make a recommendation to the Dean of Students. Authorization for medical leaves of absence will be granted by the Dean of Students upon review of the student’s application for leave and in consultation with the Associate Dean of Health and Wellness. The Dean of Students grants and determines the start date of the leave and will notify the Registrar’s Office or approved designee who will then notify the student’s professors and additional relevant College staff.  While on leave, students must request the permission of the Dean of Students to be on campus. 

Requests for a medical leave must be made within three (3) weeks of the effective date requested or before the last two (2) weeks in the semester in which the leave is requested, whichever comes first. 

The leave should provide enough time for the student to pursue appropriate treatment.  After each semester on medical leave, the Associate Dean of Health and Wellness will contact the student and ask if they intend to return for the next semester.  When a student wishes to return to the College following a medical leave, the student will submit documentation from a treating physician or other qualified licensed professional responsible for the student’s care that is unaffiliated with the College regarding their readiness to return. The documentation should be from a provider related to the reason for taking leave.  The Associate Dean of Health and Wellness or Dean of Students will then arrange a meeting with the student. The Associate Dean will then make a recommendation regarding the student’s return to the College to the Dean of Students, who will make the final determination and notify the Registrar’s Office and relevant college staff.  Students may extend their leave of absence for as many semesters as needed. In order to extend their leave, they must communicate with the Associate Dean of Health and Wellness each semester. If a student does not respond to outreach for two (2) consecutive semesters, they will be automatically withdrawn from the College. After two (2) semesters of no communication from the student, they will receive communication of their automatic withdrawal and need to reapply if they wish to return. 

Students on leaves of absence of more than one (1) year’s duration may be held to any changes in the College curriculum or their programs of study occurring during their leave.  Upon return, a student’s academic circumstances, including academic monitoring and/or probation, will remain the same as it was when the student was granted a leave. 

 There will be no refunds for fees and expenses. However, there is no added cost to take a leave of absence and students will not be charged for semesters in which they did not attend Merrimack College. However, if undergraduate students take courses at another college during this time without prior approval, they will be charged $100 per semester credit to transfer credits to Merrimack. Students must get prior approval from the Dean of their school AND the Associate Dean of Health and Wellness. Please note that not all credits transfer from one college to another. 

Acceptance for return as a resident student is always contingent upon available space in the residence halls.

For students enrolled in the College’s Tuition Insurance program, assuming that the student provides sufficient and proper documentation, insurance coverage is available.

For students not enrolled in the College’s Tuition Insurance, no refund will be provided. 


Matriculated students need to request a personal leave of absence by completing the request for leave form found on MyMack and submitting it to the Dean of Students for approval. Authorization for leaves of absence will be granted by the Dean of Students upon review of the student’s request for leave. The Dean of Students grants and determines the start date of the leave and will notify the Registrar’s Office or approved designee who will then notify the student’s professors and additional relevant College staff.  While on leave, students must request the permission of the Dean of Students to be on campus.  Requests for a personal leave must be made within three (3) weeks of the effective date requested or before the last two (2) weeks of the semester in which the leave is requested, whichever comes first. 

Personal leaves of absence are granted to matriculated students who determine that circumstances necessitate a temporary interruption of their college careers. A personal leave of absence means that an individual will not be considered a current student; however, should they have questions about campus resources they can reach out to the Dean of Students Office. A personal leave of absence is granted for not more than one (1) year, unless the student receives an extension of the leave from the Dean of Students.

To return from a leave of absence, students must complete a request to return form on MyMack that will be sent to the Dean of Students for approval.  Upon review of request to return, the Dean of Students may require additional steps which could include: individual meetings and/or the review of disciplinary actions while on leave. Once reviewed by the Dean of Students and will be approved.   

Students on leaves of absence of more than one (1) year’s duration may be held to any changes in the College curriculum or their programs of study occurring during their leave.  Upon return, a student’s academic circumstances, including academic monitoring and/or probation, will remain the same as it was when the student was granted a leave. 

There will be no refunds for fees and expenses. However, there is no added cost to take a leave of absence and students will not be charged for semesters in which they did not attend Merrimack College. However, if undergraduate students take courses at another college during this time without prior approval from their Academic Advisor, they will be charged $100 per semester credit to transfer credits to Merrimack. Please note that not all credits transfer from one college to another. 

Acceptance for return as a resident student is always contingent upon available space in the residence halls.

No refund is provided for a Personal Leave of Absence, even if the student is enrolled in the College’s Tuition Insurance.


Please see the Merrimack College Moter Vehicle Use Policy here.


By enabling your mobile credential and adding it to Apple Wallet, Google Wallet, or Samsung Wallet, you have agreed to accept all current and future Merrimack College campus policies relative to the Merrimack College MackCard. Adding your  MackCard to Apple Wallet, Google Wallet, or Samsung Wallet allows the use of your mobile devices (including but not limited to cell phones and smart watches) in place of your physical MackCard at all of Merrimack’s current ID readers for things such as payments, library books, meal plan, door access, and printing. 

For Students: Any misuse, alteration and/or falsification, including sharing your mobile credential with any other individual, is a violation of Merrimack College’s Student Handbook may result in disciplinary action.  

For Employees: Any misuse, alteration and/or falsification, including sharing your mobile credential with any other individual may result in disciplinary action.

For any other questions please contact the MackCard Office by visiting the Warrior One Stop located on the first floor of Austin Hall, emailing or by calling 978.837.5599.


Students may discontinue their education by completing the withdrawal request form. Oral notice is not sufficient. The withdrawal request form will be reviewed by the Dean of Students (or designee) who will then notify the Registrar’s Office of the intent to withdraw.  Refunds of tuition and room and board charges are implemented according to the schedule given in the Fees and Expenses section of the academic catalog. Withdrawals associated with any disciplinary action may result in the forfeiture of any fees and expenses to the College. If you choose to return to the College at a later date, you must reapply for admission.


Merrimack College is firmly committed to the practice of equal opportunity and prohibits discrimination of any kind. Every student is entitled an environment free of discrimination, which erodes dignity and morale. Discrimination constitutes a serious infraction of College policy, as well as a violation of state and federal law. Any member of the Merrimack College community, who discriminates against, excludes, degrades, or otherwise devalues another on basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, age, mental or physical disability, or other lawfully protected categories, will be disciplined accordingly, up to and including dismissal.

It is policy of Merrimack College to administer all decisions without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, mental or physical disability, or other lawfully protected categories.


The official communication channel to all students, faculty, staff and administration is the College-assigned e-mail account. All members of the College community are responsible for reading materials sent via electronic mail. This includes official announcements or policies that affect operations of the College. Lack of awareness of e-mail sent by the College will not be accepted as a reason for failure to comply with information in the message and can lead to disciplinary measures as described in the “Student Conduct Process” section of this handbook. The College will also send information through printed communication as determined by Office of Communications.

If you have questions about your Merrimack e-mail account, please contact the Information Technologies Help Desk in McQuade Library or call ext. 3500 or email


Please review the Parking & Transportation website for informating on parking passes and parking policies.


Personal transportation devices such as scooters, skateboards and bikes are designed to provide transportation between locations and are prohibited from all campus buildings with exception of the residence halls. These devices cannot be operated, charged or stored inside any campus building and must be left in a designated “parking” area outside of academic buildings and all campus community spaces (Sakowich Campus Center, MAC, Rogers Center, etc.). 

The designated parking areas will be clearly marked and clear of all entrances, handicap ramps, and accessible doorways. Each individual will be responsible for securing their individual device. 

Residence Halls are an exception as students are allowed to charge and store their devices in their own assigned living space. However, they may not operate them within the residence halls or their rooms.


Solicitation on Campus

All persons soliciting on campus must obtain authorization from the Dean of Students. The College retains the authority to remove any unauthorized materials distributed on campus or any individuals distributing said materials. Any strangers or solicitors without clearance should be reported promptly to the Merrimack College Police Department. Rooms are for residential use only and no student is to use or allow their room or common area/lounge to be used for any commercial purposes. The only exception to this policy is solicitation in conjunction with approved student organization activities. Any violations are subject to disciplinary sanctions.

Solicitation of Alcohol Related Advertising

It is the policy of Merrimack College not to solicit or accept funding from any business, corporation, institution, or society that produces or promotes alcoholic beverages for the purpose of advertising its product or business. This policy is in accordance with the national recommendations from the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention and is in keeping with the college’s mission.

Therefore, it is against College policy to distribute or publish any materials in which alcohol use or any alcohol product is promoted or which uses the logo or label of a business, corporation, institution or society that produces or promotes alcohol.


Students registered at Merrimack College have the ability to join or create student organizations in accordance with the policy present in the Student Organization Handbook of the Office of Student Involvement.  All student organizations must adhere to and are subject to the Student Organization policies as well as those policies in the Community Standards.  These policies provide several benefits to organizations as well as establish criteria for maintaining recognition.  Any violation that is attributed to a student organization could result in sanctions for the organization through the Student Organization Handbook and the individuals involved may be put through the student conduct system in accordance with the Merrimack College Community Standards. 


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.

FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student when they reach the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are “eligible students.” These rights include:

  • Students have the right to inspect and review the student’s education records maintained by the school. Schools are not required to provide copies of records unless, for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for parents or eligible students to review the records. Schools may charge a fee for copies.

A student should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official, a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect. The College official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the College official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.

  • Students have the right to request that a school correct records which they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the school still decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student has the right to place a statement with the record setting forth their view about the contested information.

A student who wishes to ask the College to amend a record should write the College official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the College decides not to amend the record as requested, the College will notify the student in writing of the decision and the student’s right to a hearing re­garding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.

  • Generally, schools must have written permission from the student in order to release any information from a student’s education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31):
    • School officials with legitimate educational interest;
    • Other schools to which a student is transferring;
    • Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
    • Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
    • Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
    • Accrediting organizations;
    • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
    • Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
    • State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law.

The College discloses education records without a student’s prior written consent under the FERPA exception for disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests.  A school official is a person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law en­forcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the College has contracted as its agent to provide a service instead of using College employees or officials (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance com­mittee, or assisting another school official in performing their tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an educa­tion record in order to fulfill their professional responsibilities for the College.

  • Schools may disclose, without consent, “directory” information such as a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. However, schools must tell students about directory information and allow parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of time to request that the school not disclose directory information about them. Schools must notify parents and eligible students annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification (special letter, inclusion in a PTA bulletin, student handbook, or newspaper article) is left to the discretion of each school.

In general, the College will not release information from students’ records to agencies outside the College without the prior written consent or request of the student. However, the College may release the following directory information, without the prior consent of the student:

  • name, address, telephone number, email address, film, video and electronic images
  • date and place of birth
  • fields of study, academic level and enrollment status
  • participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams
  • dates of attendance
  • degrees, honors and awards received
  • the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student
  • other similar information

Those students who do not desire the release of directory information should notify the Registrar in writing. For more information on FERPA, please contact the Office of the Registrar.