Minimum number of credits required to graduate: 124
Minimum cumulative GPA required to graduate: 2.0
Minimum number of credits to complete the major: 92
School: School of Education and Social Policy
Department: Education
Learn more about the program
A co-major in Education consists of courses within the Department of Education and Community Studies as well as a set of additional courses across the arts and sciences to fulfill the Subject Matter Knowledge requirements outlined by DESE. Please refer to each specific program chart to determine the exact set of required courses. All Teacher Education Program students will have an advisor who will work closely with them to identify the best program of study for their licensure concentration.
Practicum Information: In order to be eligible for practicum and complete our Massachusetts state-approved programs, students must have full acceptance to the Teacher Education program by meeting the following requirements:
- EDU 2500 Pre-Practicum Methods
- EDU 2510 Pre-Practicum Moderate Disabilities
- EDU 2520 Pre-Practicum English Learners
- 3.0 GPA in program
- Attendance at all orientation and advising sessions
- Satisfactory dispositions based on PDQ survey from professors
- B- or better in method courses
Ultimately, Massachusetts state licensure depends on completion of aforementioned state-approved programs and passing scores on all MTELs. More information can be found in the School of Education and Social Policy’s Teacher Education Handbook that students receive as part of the Teacher Education orientation and as part of the Teacher Education seminar.
Merrimack College has a Massachusetts DESE state-approved educator preparation program and as such has program and licensure reciprocity as outlined by the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (“NASDTEC”) Interstate Agreement. Some states have additional requirements for full licensure.
All students in the Teacher Education Program choose the particular licensure area and the grade level in which they ultimately want to teach. This will become your concentration.