Sep 16, 2024  
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

CMH 5095 - Advanced Counseling Techniques

Credits: 2
Students will engage in experiential exercises, including role plays, to develop the advanced counseling skills needed to create client-centered helping relationships and adhere to ethical standards. Individuals will learn to foster a therapeutic alliance, conduct an intake interview, and construct evidence-based treatment plans. Prevention strategies and strength-based approaches will also be examined. The various techniques will be discussed in reference to the diagnosis and treatment of the DSM-5 classifications. After successfully completing CMH 5080 offered in the first half of the semester students will continue their skills development in this course.  
Prerequisite(s): CMH 5000G  , CMH 5010G ,  CMH 5030G ,  CMH 5040G ,  CMH 5060G ,  and CMH 5100G