Feb 08, 2025
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
BIO 2018 - GeneticsCredits: 4 The concepts of genetics permeate all sub-disciplines within biology, from medicine to ecology. Increasingly, a solid understanding of the principles of molecular and classical genetics have become necessary in the formation of public policy and legal affairs, as well as in the biotechnology, forensic, agricultural, healthcare and fitness industries. This course stresses a thorough understanding of the structure and function of the genetic material, how genotype dictates phenotype via the regulation of gene expression, how proteins are made, how mutations occur and are repaired, the basics of recombinant DNA technology, how genes get fixed in populations and the genetic basis of evolution. The laboratory will introduce the basic skills and stress the theoretical basis of modern molecular genetic techniques utilized in recombinant DNA technology, ecological and population biology, informatics and forensics. Prerequisite(s): BIO 1027 or BIO 1025 , CHM 1110 or CHM 1210 , or consent of the instructor. Corequisite(s): BIO 2108L 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab